The world of fantasy is entering a new age, one that is modernising the genre in a force for good.
When you look back on the history of the genre, it spanned the globe; every culture had its own myths and folklore that communities used to teach and hand on pieces of history that would be passed down generations. Stand outs are Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Norse mythology which have received a lot of attention, and reworking, and as such are some of the most publicly recognisable. Building on that you have the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson who have impacted pop culture over the years. There have been updates to the genre in the past such as Lewis Carrol’s ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ in which there was a female protagonist who wasn’t punished for venturing out without a male guardian or chaperone, in the repressive Victorian Age however this now doesn't seem far enough.
The Fantasy genre is a lucky one, and novels that belong to this corner of literature are not bound by the rules of reality, time and space, and so have the luxury to take place in any time or location. However, western fantasy novels are heavily influenced by the European folklore we have mentioned. But, there’s a new wave of fantasy that is starting to turn more political. Fantasy has that unique quality where it doesn't have to reflect our actual world; it can reflect ideas of how things should be and could be, or how things shouldn't be. There’s much more room to play, and test, and explore how different things work.
It’s tough to predict how the industry will evolve but common threads are appearing. To begin with there is an ever-diversifying spectrum of characters and worlds as fantasy expands beyond its European and medieval roots. For example’s past open call for submissions, specifically asked for novels that were not based on European cultures. Additionally, (and it has already begun) there is more genre- and subgenre-overlapping. Fantasy already has blended into romance, mysteries, and thrillers and as the sphere of writers producing fantasy works broadens, so will the type of work that is being created.
The best way forward for self-publishing authors and authors who are starting out, trying to get work published is to find their niche - don’t jump on trends but figure out what makes you different and your viewpoint on the world individual. Ultimately, the way the fantasy genre will evolve is in the hands of the writers out there. We’re waiting to see how you will show us our world, through all the worlds you create.